Tuesday, October 9, 2018

So, the other day this boris, that's what we call spiders at my house, comes out of my closit crawling along the wall. He stays near the cealing so I call to the kids, who had been making Halloween decorations all evening, that I had a live one in my room. They run to come and look. There he is, a little wolf spider, just chilling on my wall. They look at him and leave unimpressed with his tiny little black fuzzy self.

So I sit and watch him, he is to far away to squish, so we enter a stare down. He starts to wiggle his way towards the bed, as he gets closer I panic realizing I do not have something to obliterate him with. So I  blow on him to try and get him to go back up. He doesn't... He moves even closer to my bed! So... I spit on him... Yep. Spit.. On.. Him.. Well he didn't like that. He hopped right off the wall, flying my direction, AND LANDED ON MY PILLOW IN MY BED!

I scream and the kids come running. I told them what I did and all they do is stand there laughing at me as I poke at my pillow to see where he went. I look at my oldest and say, "well I guess I won't be sleeping tonight." she proceeded to laugh harder and by this time I'm laughing too. She asked why I would spit on him. Well, little guy was going to my bed!

As the laughs die down he reappears! On the wall again! He's all like, girl, I saw what's under that pillow... You nasty... As he makes his way back up the wall. I beg my daughter to squish him. She tells me her best friend will never forgive her if she kills it. So... She grabs a cup and a letter to catch him!

She stands on my bed and gets the cup over him. He flips his shit in the cup. She scoots the letter between the cup and the wall and bam. Trapped. She shows him to my youngest daughter who immidiatly falls in love, because he is fuzzy after all. She begins to beg to keep him. Nope. Not a wolf spider. Sorry child.

On come the tears. As I open the glass door to let him outside, THERE'S ANOTHER ONE ON THE DOOR HANDLE!

nope... Nope... Nope... My youngest is insisting its to cold for him outside. He will die. It's not but she's bawling anyway insisting it is. She follows my oldest to the living room screaming to save him from the cold. "don't die him!" her small self bellows. So they made a deal. She follow my oldest out to decide where he will make his new home. She finds this satisfactory and they proceed to let it go in the hallway of the apartment complex. Oh well. He's not on my bed. I'm good.

JSW Sheldon

You know, life is crazy. So I have been working at another new job, one I love! At a bridal boutique in Minneapolis.

People are facinating. I love the pretty dresses and the clients and the fast pace. I also love the energy of the city.

I try and spot things every day that I haven't seen before. Changes in my sorroundings. It has taught me to Be a very observant person. I also see life as an adventure so I DAYDREAM. A LOT. Hehehehe.

What makes a good author? I duno. But for me, it's the ability to seethe unseen and think of the unknown. Turn something mundane to an epic adventure and turn it into words.

My random for today. Here's a cute bumblebee I saw about a week go.

JSW Sheldon

Monday, August 20, 2018

Today I went out for a walk, I do this often, as I was walking I noticed in front of me was an old couple holding hands.

It’s not something you even see a whole lot nowadays even for younger couples except for in early relationships. has stuff Fades away with time but why? Why does it change? Why do relationships not last like they used to? Some say it’s because the relationship isn’t half and half, people don’t put in their half of what they should to make it work. Well I don’t believe any relationship is half and half if you want it to work. If you can’t put in your whole 100% it’s not going to work.  Nowadays what defines putting in your hole 100%? What defines specific obligations to each relationship that makes it work? I think that’s hard to Define because each individual situation is different what would work for one won’t work for another. So that would change the obligations of each relationship? I think one of the main keys that we have lost in our society is the ability to properly communicate. What defines proper communication? Being able to express ourselves in any way we need to to help another or others understand us and our perspective, but also being open to the fact that that will not always match others. We need to learn to listen. Not just to respond but to hear what the people we care about have to say. It’s something I feel our youth has lost whether it’s through technology, whether it’s through how they were raised, how Society has taught them to be, we’ve lost our ability to communicate our needs to be able to express what we need in a relationship because we feel as though it was uncomfortable or we won’t be heard. Of course it’s uncomfortable you can’t control the other person or how they will react. That’s where trust and listening to hear and not just react comes in. It’s not all about you. In a relationship it’s about us no matter the type of relationship it is. Communication, even casually on the street in passing, is odd now days to many people. Most people look away, look down or look at their phone to avoid an Interaction. But why? Just the other day my 16 year old daughter saw mother and her daughter struggling to carry groceries home. She offered to help them, you could tell the lady needed the assistance. However, she was pretty hesitant on taking it. Why? It was an innocent girl offering assistance to help her out. I was glad she did take the assistance, but you could tell by her body language that it made her uncomfortable. She was uncertain if we had a hidden agenda or some malicious intent as many are now days. I won’t lie, I am even guilty of feeling this way a lot. But why? Many people do have hidden agendas but not always. But how do we know? I guess sometimes we don’t right away. We need to stop being so passive aggressive and afraid to stand up for ourselves in those situations.

For today’s random I’ve decided to share with you how I feel about this problem. Many people seem to think that technology nowadays has created this issue however, I don’t feel that’s to be the truth. Before technology there was books, newspapers, journals. There has always been written word. I feel it has more to do with the way we are connected. An earthquake happens and we hear about it within moments instead of weeks or months or not at all. These things have always happened, terrorism has always been a thing, kidnapping, bad governments, these things if you know history have always been there on and off throughout history. Just now days we know about it. We read about it all. Our media is so focused on the negative that we create these fears that all of society is this way. So what do we do with the fear this negativity creates? We avoid things and people to prevent these things from happening to us, even though the likelihood of them happening is very slim. Now days it’s harder to get away with crimes. But the few that do happen become a major media focus crating anxiety and fear in our society and dividing people.
But how do we fix this? How do we fix something that’s become so ingrained in our society that we don’t know what to do with it? Stop obsessing over the media and allowing it to feed you this negativity. Instead, Start saying hello it creates a chain reaction. A hello can turn into a conversation. Or you just get a smile back. Start asking your neighbors name.  What’s wrong with knowing their names? Then when you see them you can say, hello Debra or, hello John.  It starts to create a more familiar and personal relationship. It doesn’t have to be a close relationship, but it starts to create more of a community, the more Hello’s we give the more we’re going to get the more we do it the more normal it will become. It will be a process, it’s not going to be an easy one. Nothing that makes us uncomfortable ever is easy, but it would be worth it.

JSW Sheldon

Saturday, August 18, 2018

It has been a few days, I have exciting news. First I took my oldest daughter to a thrift store, we walked out with a 70 yard roll of wool worth 2000$ for 45$. A nice light color too so it's easy to dye. I suppose this is the time to tell you all, I am a professional seamstress.  So this is like a jackpot find for me that will end in many beautiful things. I was so excited about this fabric that I made this coat. The roll was so huge me and my daughter had a hard time getting it up stairs.

My other news is, I got a new job! A better job! And it's sewing! This has been a great week.

I rewarded myself for my new job with a Pikachu DS. Yep... I'm a gamer nerd too. *giggles.

Have a great weekend!

Saturday, August 11, 2018

Today's random, have you ever just looked at something and wondered what it would look like if humans left or ceased to exist and nature took over? How long would it take to become unrecognizable?

Sometimes I think this randomly when I look at some thing and see grass or a baby tree Poking through cracks or along the edges of a house.

I will guess wooden structures would dissappear first. Roads I'm sure would take a while but even they are no match for mother nature as is apparent when finding one that has been abandoned. Even metal is no match for rust, it makes quick work of it sometimes.

As our world is rapidly changing I find myself wondering what the future will bring.

JSW Sheldon 

Friday, August 10, 2018

Welcome to my new blog of Random things! Have you ever noticed how facinating the random things in life can be? Every random event that happens to us that adds something to out day. A joke, road construction, a friend has some thing happen and they share with us, your bread started to grow mold after 3 days in this humid heat. So gross.

So here I am, to share my random things with you. Events, things I'm working on, short stories, random thoughts. Some posts will contain language, adult humor and so on and so forth. So you have been warned. I am prone to fun shinanagins from time to time. Over all I'm a happy go lucky gal with multiple, this is no exaggeration as you will soon discover, talents and abilities. I love to try new things and ponder at existing things. You are welcome to ponder with me.

I am a writer and a professional seamstress. I enjoy crafting of all kinds. Leather is one of the mediums I enjoy a lot. I can draw and paint and I like music and can play the basics of over 20 musical instruments. I... Love.. People... People watching, wondering about their lives. Making random strangers smile.

So today's random, caribou bubble tea. I have this strange obsession with those little square jelly things in that stuff. I will order extra bubbles just to get more of them to enjoy.

This isn't the first time I encountered this "bubble" stuff. I guess it derived from coconuts. I had baught some bags of delicious asien treats from a mall about a year ago that were made with this same stuff. I couldn't find them again after I ate them all. So imagine my delight when this new bubble tea rolls out and BAM! jelly square heaven in a cup! I can't get enough of it.

I got a tooth pulled recently and so there is this hole in my jaw that's healing and those jelly things get stuck in there sometimes... That feels weird you guys. So weird. I grab a toothpick and try and get it out and it just spins in the hole. Like, nope, I'm your new tooth now! -_- silly jelly thing. This hole is not for you.

They have the most facinating texture and flavor oozes out of them as you bite them. Mmmm so good. So good. I almost want to ask if I can just buy a bag or box or whatever they come in to devour at home but I don't want them to think I have a problem. I do have a problem. They don't need to know that.

So if you want try some delicious bubble squares. Even though bubbles aren't square. Well, sometimes I guess but not normally. Either way, they are delicious.

Have a great day!

JSW Sheldon